News from


Holland High Tech

Industrial Robotics Learning Community

Holland High Tech is de topsector High Tech Systemen en Materialen. Bedrijfsleven, kennisinstellingen en overheden werken in ons ...
Groepsfoto van studenten bij PEC Zwolle

Students score at PEC Zwolle

It was not just the players of PEC Zwolle who scored last Friday at the football stadium in ...
Artikel Fraunhofer Innovation Platform

The synergy between human and machine

This article was published in the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform magazine.  The use of new technology can make us ...
Student Thomas Kieft

Student Speaks: Thomas Kieft

Thanks to his well-considered study choices, Thomas will soon have disciplines at all levels. From secondary school, he ...
Docent Bart Snijder

A day at Perron038 with teacher Bart Snijder

Electrical engineering lecturer on the Windesheim campus in Zwolle or working at Perron038. These are two options in ...
Perron038 fabriek van de toekomst impressie

In Zwolle, companies build ‘Factory of the Future’

This article was published in the magazine Kijk op Oost Nederland.  It has been three years since innovation ...
Tentoonstelling ArtEZ op Perron038

Collaboration between art, region and the manufacturing industry in Zwolle

ArtEZ University of the Arts, Cibap, Museum de Fundatie, NS and the municipality of Zwolle are investigating the ...
Brent Dekker, Engineer

Meet the Engineer: Brent Dekker

It has been almost ten years since Brent Dekker first stepped in the office of Hollander Techniek. He ...

Art, innovation and the future at the heart of PROTO

A sixteen-day Art & Design event at which talented graduating MBO and HBO students and professionals in art ...
Careerdays op Perron038

Technology comes to life during Career Days in Zwolle

Seeing, feeling and experiencing technology: it happened during the Career Days in Zwolle on Thursday 16 and Friday ...
Demo day visitors

Students present projects during Perron038 Demo Day

From cobots to robots, from AMR to Spot®. No technology went unmentioned during the Perron038 Demo Day on ...
Student Rick Kouwen

Student Speaks: Rick Kouwen

Student Rick Kouwen was convinced he was going to study medicine. However, after a day of taster sessions, ...