A day at Perron038 with Aart Schoonderbeek

Aart Schoonderbeek

If you visit Perron038, you will meet associate lecturer Aart Schoonderbeek. Aart works for the Digital Business & Society lectureship and brings about research projects in the field ofindustrial automation and robotics. Together with his colleagues, he keeps the robots running and focuses on the full breadth of technological developments.

The start

Aart can be found five days a week at Perron038. “Through all weathers I come this way by electric bike from Dalfsen,” he says. In his work, he provides the connection between companies, students and (teacher) researchers. This is how he keeps his lines of communication short. Aart is involved in practical research projects every day and gets a lot of energy and enthusiasm out of this.

Once at Perron038, the coffee machine switches on. He starts his day with a chat with students, colleagues and partner companies at Perron038. Aart says: “I like a structured agenda and am always well informed about appointments regarding my work.” As a result, his day – even in a dynamic environment like Perron038 – runs without too many surprises, and that suits the profession of researcher perfectly.

Working at Perron038

Within the Digital Business & Society lectureship, practice-oriented research is carried out within three programme lines: Industrial Automation & Robotics, Digitalisation, Business Continuity of SMEs and Digital Society. “From making initial contact with companies to finalising reports, the work at Perron038 is not a day the same.” As he explains, “I deal with the full breadth of technological developments, with a focus on industrial automation and robotics. It starts with an issue from a company, which we, as researchers, take up. In theory and in practice. When the project is done, I have to make sure it is published so that other people can use this knowledge.”

Coffee talk

“Working at Perron038 gives me the opportunity to connect with different people from different disciplines in this technological environment at the coffee machine. Working together on the future in one place is the best thing there is!” says Aart.
As the day comes to an end, the final touches are added to the ‘i’. The computers are shut down and the work is done. Before he arrives home, all kinds of subjects shoot past on his bicycle back to Dalfsen. With new inspiration and a good feeling, Aart gets back on his bike to Perron038 the next morning.

Als de dag ten einde komt worden de laatste puntjes op de ‘i’ gezet. De computers worden afgesloten en het werk zit er op. Voordat hij thuis aankomt, schieten op de fiets terug naar Dalfsen nog allerlei onderwerpen voorbij. Met nieuwe inspiratie en een goed gevoel stapt Aart de volgende ochtend weer op de fiets naar Perron038.